#include <agar/core.h>
AG_TextElement (or
AG_Text) structure provides a dynamically-allocated buffer for a text element,
specified in one or more languages.
Agar GUI widgets such as AG_Textbox(3) or AG_Editable(3) may be bound to a AG_TextElement (in which case they make it possible to select the language from a contextual menu). It is also possible to define an AG_Variable(3) referencing an AG_TextElement. It is defined as:
The lock mutex must be acquired prior to accessing any entry ent[]. The lang member is either AG_LANG_NONE or AG_LANG_xx, where xx is a ISO-639 language code. For convenience, the AG_LANG_* enums are also valid indices into public arrays agLanguageCodes[] (two-character codes) and agLanguageNames[] (full language names).
Per-language entries are described by the AG_TextEnt structure:
Agar GUI widgets such as AG_Textbox(3) or AG_Editable(3) may be bound to a AG_TextElement (in which case they make it possible to select the language from a contextual menu). It is also possible to define an AG_Variable(3) referencing an AG_TextElement. It is defined as:
typedef struct ag_text { AG_Mutex lock; AG_TextEnt ent[AG_LANG_LAST]; /* Language entries */ enum ag_language lang; /* Selected language */ AG_Size maxLen; /* Maximum length (bytes) */ Uint flags; } AG_Text, AG_TextElement;
The lock mutex must be acquired prior to accessing any entry ent[]. The lang member is either AG_LANG_NONE or AG_LANG_xx, where xx is a ISO-639 language code. For convenience, the AG_LANG_* enums are also valid indices into public arrays agLanguageCodes[] (two-character codes) and agLanguageNames[] (full language names).
Per-language entries are described by the AG_TextEnt structure:
typedef struct ag_text_ent { char *buf; /* String buffer */ AG_Size maxLen; /* Length (allocated) */ AG_Size len; /* Length (chars) */ } AG_TextEnt;
AG_Text * AG_TextNew (AG_Size maxLen)
void AG_TextInit (AG_Text *T, AG_Size maxLen)
void AG_TextSetLimit (AG_Text *T, AG_Size maxLen)
void AG_TextDestroy (AG_Text *T)
void AG_TextClear (AG_Text *T)
void AG_TextSetLang (AG_Text *T, enum ag_language lang)
enum ag_language AG_TextGetLang (AG_Text *T)
void AG_TextSetLangISO (AG_Text *T, const char *lang_code)
const char* AG_TextGetLangISO (AG_Text *T)
void AG_TextSet (AG_Text *T, const char *fmt, ...)
void AG_TextSetS (AG_Text *T, const char *s)
void AG_TextSetEnt (AG_Text *T, enum ag_language lang, const char *fmt, ...)
void AG_TextSetEntS (AG_Text *T, enum ag_language lang, const char *fmt, ...)
AG_Text * AG_TextDup (AG_Text *T)
int AG_TextLoad (AG_Text *T, AG_DataSource *ds)
void AG_TextSave (AG_DataSource *ds, AG_Text *T)
The AG_TextNew() function allocates and initializes a new, empty AG_TextElement. AG_TextInit() initializes an existing AG_TextElement. The maxLen argument specifies a maximum string length in bytes, or 0 for no limit. AG_TextSetLimit() may be used to set the effective limit.
AG_TextDestroy() frees all resources allocated by a text element.
AG_TextClear() frees and reinitializes all entries of the element.
The functions AG_TextGetLang() and AG_TextSetLang() return or select the active language for a text element, specified as AG_LANG_NONE or AG_LANG_xx enum. The AG_TextGetLangISO() and AG_TextSetLangISO() variants accept a two-character ISO-639 code as argument.
The AG_TextSet() routine sets the text entry for the currently selected language. The AG_TextSetEnt() variant sets the text entry for the specified language.
The AG_TextDup() routine returns a newly-allocated copy of the specified text element.
The AG_TextLoad() function initializes the specified text element from AG_DataSource(3) data. AG_TextSave() saves the text element to the given data source.
The following GUI code creates a text element and binds an
AG_Textbox(3) widget to it:
AG_Text *name; AG_Textbox *tb; name = AG_TextNew(32); AG_TextSetEnt(name, AG_LANG_EN, "John"); AG_TextSetEnt(name, AG_LANG_FR, "Jean"); AG_TextSetEnt(name, AG_LANG_DE, "Johannes"); tb = AG_TextboxNewS(NULL, 0, "Name: "); AG_TextboxBindText(tb, name);
AG_TextElement interface first appeared in
Agar 1.5.0