#include <agar/core.h> #include <agar/sg.h>
SG_View widget renders a
SG(3) scene graph from the point of view of a specified
SG_Camera(3) node.
AG_Object(3)-> AG_Widget(3)-> SG_View.
SG_View * SG_ViewNew (AG_Widget *parent, SG *sg, Uint flags)
void SG_ViewSetBgColor (SG_View *view, const AG_Color *c)
void SG_ViewKeydownFn (SG_View *view, AG_EventFn fn, const char *fmt, ...)
void SG_ViewKeyupFn (SG_View *view, AG_EventFn fn, const char *fmt, ...)
void SG_ViewButtondownFn (SG_View *view, AG_EventFn fn, const char *fmt, ...)
void SG_ViewButtonupFn (SG_View *view, AG_EventFn fn, const char *fmt, ...)
void SG_ViewMotionFn (SG_View *view, AG_EventFn fn, const char *fmt, ...)
The SG_ViewNew() function allocates, initializes, and attaches a SG_View object. Acceptable flags options include:
SG_VIEW_HFILL | Expand horizontally in parent container. |
SG_VIEW_VFILL | Expand vertically in parent container. Shorthand for SG_VIEW_HFILL SG_VIEW_VFILL|. |
SG_VIEW_NO_LIGHTING | Disable lighting calculations. |
SG_VIEW_NO_DEPTH_TESTS | Disable Z-buffering. |
SG_VIEW_CAMERA_STATUS | Display active camera status as overlay. |
SG_VIEW_EDIT | Allow edition commands. |
SG_VIEW_BGFILL | Fill background with the specified color (see SG_ViewSetBgColor()). |
SG_ViewNew() may fail returning NULL if there is no default camera (e.g., Camera0 node) in the scene.
SG_ViewSetBgFill() specifies a background color c (effective only if SG_VIEW_BGFILL is set).
The SG_View*Fn() functions are used to set up optional callback functions to invoke upon specific GUI events. SG_ViewKeydownFn() and SG_ViewKeyupFn() set callbacks for key-down and key-up events. SG_ViewButtondownFn(), SG_ViewButtonupFn() and SG_ViewMotionFn() set callbacks for mouse-button-down, mouse-button-up and mouse-motion events, respectively.
int SG_ViewTransition (SG_View *view, SG *sg, SG_Camera *cam, Uint flags)
void SG_ViewSetFadeColor (SG_View *view, const AG_Color *c)
void SG_ViewSetFadeDuration (SG_View *view, Uint ms)
The SG_ViewTransition() function arranges for a transition to a new scene sg and camera cam. If the cam argument is NULL, the default camera is used. By default, the transition is immediate. The following flags are accepted:
SG_VIEW_TRANSFADE | Fade-out and fade-in to the new scene. The function will return immediately (caller can poll transProgress to determine completeness; see STRUCTURE DATA). |
SG_ViewTransition() may fail and return NULL if a camera could not be found or a transition is already in progress.
SG_ViewSetFadeColor() sets a fill color for the SG_VIEW_TRANSFADE effect.
SG_ViewSetFadeDuration() configures the duration of the fade effect in milliseconds.
void SG_ViewSetCamera (SG_View *view, SG_Camera *cam)
void SG_ViewUnProject (SG_View *view, int x, int y, M_Vector3 *vOut)
The SG_ViewSetCamera() function changes the current camera of the view.
The SG_ViewUnProject() function translates the given two-dimensional view (widget) coordinates x, y to 3D world coordinates in vOut, according to the active camera's position, orientation and projection. The returned point is coincident with the camera's near plane.
For the
AG_SG_View object:
SG *sg | Pointer to the active SG(3) object (read-only; use SG_ViewTransition()). |
SG *sgTrans | Transition in progress to this scene (read-only). |
float transProgress | Progress of the scene transition (-1.0 = start, 0.0 = midway, +1.0 = done). |
SG_Camera *cam | Active camera (read-only; use SG_ViewSetCamera()). |
SG_Camera *camTrans | Transition in progress to this camera (read-only). |
SG_View widget first appeared in
Agar 1.6.0.