#include <agar/core.h> #include <agar/gui.h>

AG_Object(3)-> AG_Widget(3)-> AG_Checkbox.
AG_Checkbox * AG_CheckboxNew (AG_Widget *parent, Uint flags, const char *format, ...)
AG_Checkbox * AG_CheckboxNewS (AG_Widget *parent, Uint flags, const char *label)
AG_Checkbox * AG_CheckboxNewFn (AG_Widget *parent, Uint flags, const char *label, AG_EventFn fn, const char *fmt, ...)
AG_Checkbox * AG_CheckboxNewInt (AG_Widget *parent, Uint flags, const char *label, int *pBool)
AG_Checkbox * AG_CheckboxNewUint (AG_Widget *parent, Uint flags, const char *label, Uint *pBool)
AG_Checkbox * AG_CheckboxNewFlag (AG_Widget *parent, Uint flags, const char *label, Uint *pFlags, Uint bitmask)
void AG_CheckboxSetFromFlags (AG_Widget *parent, Uint flags, Uint *pFlags, const AG_FlagDescr *flagsDescr)
void AG_CheckboxSetFromFlagsFn (AG_Widget *parent, Uint flags, Uint *pFlags, const AG_FlagDescr *flagsDescr, AG_EventFn fn, const char *fmt, ...)
int AG_CheckboxGetState (AG_Checkbox *checkbox)
void AG_CheckboxSetState (AG_Checkbox *checkbox, int enable)
void AG_CheckboxToggle (AG_Checkbox *checkbox)
void AG_CheckboxText (AG_Checkbox *checkbox, const char *format, ...)
void AG_CheckboxTextS (AG_Checkbox *checkbox, const char *label)
The AG_CheckboxNew() function allocates, initializes, and attaches a AG_Checkbox widget. AG_CheckboxNew() accepts an optional text label argument. The AG_CheckboxNewFn() variant also assigns the specified callback function to the checkbox-changed event.
Acceptable values for the flags argument include:
AG_CHECKBOX_INVERT | Invert the logical interpretation of "state". |
AG_CHECKBOX_SET | Set default "state" to 1 (default = 0). |
AG_CHECKBOX_EXCL | Advise that this checkbox is the only widget accessing "state" (so periodic updates are not needed). |
AG_CHECKBOX_HFILL | Expand horizontally in parent container. |
AG_CHECKBOX_VFILL | Expand vertically in parent container. |
The AG_CheckboxNewInt() constructor binds "state" to a natural integer. AG_CheckboxNewFlag() binds "state" to one or more bits in the natural integer at pFlags, according to bitmask a.
AG_CheckboxSetFromFlags() creates a set of checkboxes for the given set of flags, described by an array of AG_FlagDescr structures:
typedef struct ag_flag_descr { Uint bitmask; /* Bitmask */ const char *descr; /* Bit(s) description */ int writeable; /* User-editable */ } AG_FlagDescr;
The AG_CheckboxSetFromFlagsFn() variant sets the event handler for checkbox-changed to the given function fn and optional arguments fmt.
AG_CheckboxGetState() returns the current state of the checkbox. AG_CheckboxSetState() sets the of the checkbox, where 0=inactive and 0=active. AG_CheckboxToggle() inverts the state atomically.
AG_CheckboxText() sets the label of the checkbox from the specified text string.
AG_Checkbox widget provides the following bindings:
BOOL *state | Value (1/0) of natural integer |
INT *state | Value (1/0) of natural integer |
UINT8 *state | Value (1/0) of 8-bit integer |
UINT16 *state | Value (1/0) of 16-bit integer |
UINT32 *state | Value (1/0) of 32-bit integer |
FLAGS *state | Bits in an int |
FLAGS8 *state | Bits in 8-bit word |
FLAGS16 *state | Bits in 16-bit word |
FLAGS32 *state | Bits in 32-bit word |
AG_Checkbox widget generates the following events:
checkbox-changed (int state) | Checkbox state changed (1=enabled, 0=disabled). The state binding remains locked during the event handler's execution. |
For the
AG_Checkbox object:
int invert | Invert the logical interpretation of the state binding. |
AG_Label *lbl | Pointer to the AG_Label(3) displaying the caption text. |
The following code fragment ties an
AG_Checkbox to a boolean variable represented by an
The following code fragment uses an AG_Checkbox to trigger a callback function:
The following code fragment creates an array of checkboxes, each tied to a specific bit in a word:
int someOption = 0; AG_Window *win = AG_WindowNew(0); AG_CheckboxNewInt(win, 0, "Some option", &someOption); AG_WindowShow(win);
The following code fragment uses an AG_Checkbox to trigger a callback function:
static void MyCallback(AG_Event *event) { AG_TextInfo(NULL, "Callback invoked"); } AG_Window *win = AG_WindowNew(0); AG_CheckboxNewFn(win, 0, "Execute callback", MyCallback, NULL); AG_WindowShow(win);
The following code fragment creates an array of checkboxes, each tied to a specific bit in a word:
#define FLAG_FOO 0x01 #define FLAG_BAR 0x02 #define FLAG_BAZ 0x04 int myWord = 0; AG_FlagDescr myFlagDescr[] = { { FLAG_FOO, "foo flag", 1 }, { FLAG_BAR, "bar flag", 1 }, { FLAG_BAZ, "baz flag (readonly)", 0 }, { 0, NULL, 0 } }; AG_Window *win = AG_WindowNew(0); AG_CheckboxSetFromFlags(win, 0, &myWord, myFlagDescr); AG_WindowShow(win);
AG_Checkbox widget first appeared in
Agar 1.0.
AG_CheckboxToggle(), AG_CheckboxGetState() and
AG_CheckboxSetState() appeared in
Agar 1.6.0.
AG_CheckboxText() and
AG_CheckboxTextS() appeared in
Agar 1.7.1.