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Agar 1.7 Manual

(Printable Version)


#include <agar/core.h>
#include <agar/gui.h>


ScreenshotThe AG_Pixmap widget displays an image in pixmap format. It is commonly used along with AG_Fixed(3) to display interface decorations.

Multiple images may be associated with an AG_Pixmap instance. Animation can be done by mapping frames with AG_PixmapAddSurface() and calling AG_PixmapSetSurface() from an AG_Timer(3) callback or a separate thread.


AG_Object(3)-> AG_Widget(3)-> AG_Pixmap.


AG_Pixmap * AG_PixmapNew (AG_Widget *parent, Uint flags, Uint width, Uint height)

AG_Pixmap * AG_PixmapFromSurface (AG_Widget *parent, Uint flags, const AG_Surface *src)

AG_Pixmap * AG_PixmapFromSurfaceScaled (AG_Widget *parent, Uint flags, const AG_Surface *src, Uint width, Uint height)

AG_Pixmap * AG_PixmapFromSurfaceNODUP (AG_Widget *parent, Uint flags, AG_Surface *src)

AG_Pixmap * AG_PixmapFromFile (AG_Widget *parent, Uint flags, const char *path)

AG_Pixmap * AG_PixmapFromTexture (AG_Widget *parent, Uint flags, GLuint texture, int lod)

The AG_PixmapNew() function creates a new AG_Pixmap not linked to any surface. The initial geometry of the widget is defined by the width and height parameters. Acceptable flags include:
AG_PIXMAP_RESCALERescale image to fit widget size.
AG_PIXMAP_HFILLExpand horizontally in parent container.
AG_PIXMAP_VFILLExpand vertically in parent container.

The AG_PixmapFromSurface() function creates a new AG_Pixmap widget displaying a copy of the specified surface. A pixel-format conversion is performed if necessary. If the src argument is NULL, an empty surface is displayed. The AG_PixmapFromSurfaceScaled() variant resizes the image to the given dimensions.

The AG_PixmapFromSurfaceNODUP() variant uses the specified surface without making a copy. The provided surface must remain valid as long as the widget exists, and it must be in a format that can be displayed directly (such as agSurfaceFmt).

The AG_PixmapFromFile() function loads a surface from the image file at path (image type is autodetected).

AG_PixmapFromTexture() may be used to display an active hardware texture. lod specifies the level-of-detail of the texture (level 0 is the base image level). If OpenGL support is not available, an error is returned.


int AG_PixmapAddSurface (AG_Pixmap *pixmap, const AG_Surface *surface)

int AG_PixmapAddSurfaceScaled (AG_Pixmap *pixmap, const AG_Surface *surface, Uint width, Uint height)

int AG_PixmapAddSurfaceFromFile (AG_Pixmap *pixmap, const char *path)

void AG_PixmapSetSurface (AG_Pixmap *pixmap, int surface_name)

AG_Surface * AG_PixmapGetSurface (AG_Pixmap *pixmap, int surface_name)

void AG_PixmapReplaceSurface (AG_Pixmap *pixmap, int surface_name, AG_Surface *surfaceNew)

void AG_PixmapUpdateSurface (AG_Pixmap *pixmap, int surface_name)

void AG_PixmapSizeHint (AG_Pixmap *pixmap, int w, int h)

void AG_PixmapSetCoords (AG_Pixmap *pixmap, int s, int t)

The AG_PixmapAddSurface() functions maps a copy of the specified surface. AG_PixmapAddSurfaceScaled() maps a copy of the given surface, resized to width by height pixels. AG_PixmapAddSurfaceFromFile() maps a surface obtained from an image file (format is autodetected).

AG_PixmapSetSurface() changes the currently displayed surface (see n in STRUCTURE DATA). The argument should be the handle of one of the surfaces previously mapped with AG_PixmapAddSurface().

The AG_PixmapGetSurface() returns a copy of the surface at given index (if the index is invalid then a fatal condition is raised).

The AG_PixmapReplaceSurface() routine replaces the contents of the specified surface mapping.

If the contents of a currently mapped surface are directly modified, AG_PixmapUpdateSurface() should be called. This routine may or may not be a no-op depending on the graphics mode.

AG_PixmapSizeHint() requests a specific geometry in pixels. The default geometry is that of the source surface passed to the constructor.

The AG_PixmapSetCoords() function changes the source coordinates of the active surface. The default is [0,0].


The AG_Pixmap widget does not generate any event.


For the AG_Pixmap object:
int n Handle of currently displayed surface (-1 = none).
int s, t Source surface coordinates. Can be set using AG_PixmapSetCoords().


The following code fragment displays an existing AG_Surface(3). It packs AG_Pixmap in a AG_Scrollview(3) widget, allowing the user to pan the view:
AG_Scrollview *sv;
AG_Pixmap *px;

sv = AG_ScrollviewNew(window, AG_SCROLLVIEW_BY_MOUSE |

px = AG_PixmapFromSurface(sv, 0, mySurface);

The following code fragment displays some image files:
AG_PixmapFromFile(sv, 0, "foo.png");
AG_PixmapFromFile(sv, 0, "bar.jpg");

The following code fragment loads 30 frames in JPEG format:
char path[AG_FILENAME_MAX];
AG_Pixmap *px;
int frames[30];
int i;

px = AG_PixmapNew(win, 0, 320,240);
for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
	AG_Snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%08d.jpg", i);
	frames[i] = AG_PixmapAddSurfaceFromFile(px, path);

Running from a separate thread, the following code fragment would play back the animation:
for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
	AG_PixmapSetSurface(px, frames[i]);


AG_Fixed(3), AG_Intro(3), AG_Scrollview(3), AG_Surface(3), AG_View(3), AG_Widget(3), AG_Window(3)

See tests/fixedres.c in the Agar source distribution.


The AG_Pixmap widget first appeared in Agar 1.0. AG_PixmapGetSurface() appeared in Agar 1.6.0. ElectronTubeStore