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Agar Manual

(Printable Version)


Nm sgeditOp Fl SRTEMvDsOp Fl d Ar agar-driverOp Fl t Ar font-specOp Ar file


The sgedit utility provides a graphical interface for editing Agar-SG scenes, objects and scripts. The command-line options are as follows:
-S Create a new scene (*.sg file).
-R Create a new script (.sgs file).
-T Create a new texture object (*.sgt file).
-E Create a new map element (*.sge file).
-M Create a new map material (*.sgm file).
-v Display the Agar version number and exit.
-d Specify an alternate Agar driver / backend (see AVAILABLE DRIVERS in AG_InitGraphics(3) for details; some drivers accept optional arguments).
-t Specify the default font (e.g., Luxi Sans:10, Courier:10.5:b, my.otf:16).
-s Force scalar vector and matrix operations even if SIMD extensions are available.
-D Enable debugging mode.


LANG ISO language code determining which translation should be used.

SEE ALSO ElectronTubeStore